Ph.D. Researcher at Northwestern University
I am a Ph.D. candidate at Northwestern University advised by Peter Dinda. Before that, I received my B.S. in Computer Science from Illinois Tech, where I worked with Kyle Hale.
I am currently interested in enabling new memory management systems in unmanaged languages like C and C++ through modifications in both the compiler and runtime systems. I am also very interested in kernel and runtime support for specialized programming models. I enjoy finding novel ways of enabling new programming models by adding support at the lowest levels of the kernel. I'm working on an operating system, Chariot where I prototype and hack on ideas I might have.
Recently, I've been working on Alaska, a compiler and runtime technique to enable object mobility in unmanaged languages. You can see the code here and the paper here.
Recent Blog Posts
I've started working on a bit of a "blog" recently. You can see all the posts here.
Getting a Handle on Unmanaged Memory

Compiling Loop-Based Nested Parallelism for Irregular Workloads

CARAT KOP: Towards Protecting the Core HPC Kernel from Linux Kernel Modules